个人简介 Brief Introduction


教育经历 Education Experience

[1] 2001.9——2006.9 加州大学河滨分校 > 博士学位
[2] 1997.9——2001.6 清华大学 > 学士学位

工作经历 Professional Experience

[1] 2013.1-至今 华中农业大学园艺林学学院 教学科研
[2] 2006.10-2013.1 加州大学伯克利分校 博士后

研究兴趣 Research Interest

[1] 小分子RNA在植物病原互作中的功能
[2] 辣椒功能基因组学

代表著作 Publications

[1] Lu Xu; Li Feng L ; Heterologous viral suppressor of RNA silencing breaks protein-based viral immunity in mixed viral infection, Science China Life Sciences, 2021, 64: /s11427-020-1873-1
[2] Deng Yingtian; Wang Jubin; Tung Jeffrey; Liu Dan; Zhou Yingjia; He Shuang; Du Yunlian; Ba ker Barbara; Li Feng L ; A role for small RNA in regulating innate immunity during plant growth., PL oS Pathog., 2018, 14(1): e1006756
[3] Li Feng L ; Pignatta Daniela; Bendix Clare; Brunkard Jake; Cohn Megan; Kumar Parvan; Tung Je ffrey; Sun Haoyu; Baker Barbara; MicroRNA regulation of plant innate immune receptors, Proceeding s of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2012, 109(5): 1790-1795
[4] Li Feng L ; Ding Shouwei; Virus Counterdefense: Diverse Strategies for Evading the RNA Silen cing., Annual Review of Microbiology, 2006, 60: 503-531
[5] Zhang Hui; Feng Hui; Lu Xu; Wang Chaofan; Li Feng L ; An asymmetric bulge enhances artificia l microRNA-mediated virus resistance., Plant Biotechnol J., 2020, 18(3): 608-610

奖励荣誉 Awards
